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DHI Transplant

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is the most advanced hair transplant technique in which hair follicles are implanted one by one directly on the affected area of the scalp. With the direct hair implantation procedure, people suffering from hair loss can gain natural-looking forehead-line and hair, and also graft survival is estimated to be around 90-95%.

An easy way to turn back the clock on hair loss

DHI hair transplantation is a popular hair transplant procedure. Implanter tool, Choi pen is used in this method. During the transplantation, hair grafts are taken from a donor site, hair follicles are implanted one by one directly on the affected area of the scalp.

By the way, FUE and DHI methods are different. While the FUE technique has three stages, the DHI technique has two stages. DHI offers the chance to plant the hair without damaging the hair follicles by using it more frequently and intensively.

According to the hair follicle and thickness structure of the person, the tips of the Choi pens can be in different sizes. With the direct hair implantation technique, people suffering from hair loss can regain natural-looking hair. Direct hair implantation usually takes between 4–8 hours. Full results are usually visible after 12–18 months and should last a lifetime.

What is the difference between FUE and DHI?

  • While during FUE hair transplantation, a plastic surgeon manually implants the extracted grafts. With the DHI method, Choi Implanter Pen is used. This allows the implantation stage to happen right after extraction, without the need to first create the canals for the grafts.
  • DHI method with a Choi Implanter Pen provides a better possibility for achieving higher density while FUE hair transplantation is ideal for covering large areas, whereas
  • Since the length of time, the hair follicles stay outside of the tissue is much shorter, which ensures healthier transplantation.
  • The survival rate of grafts taken from the donor area is higher.
  • Since the implanted area will be less, the risk of bleeding is lower.
  • In DHI Hair Transplantation, the recovery period after is shorter. Patients can return to their daily life in a shorter time.
  • Less bleeding and less edema.

Don't hesitate to contact us to get more detail about the DHI Hair Transplantation procedure.

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