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Unshaven Hair Transplantation

This is an advanced minimally invasive hair transplantation technique which is also called U-FUE (Unshaven) hair transplant. It completely excludes shaving.

Unshaven hair transplant operation is popular among patients who like to wear their hair long and don’t wish to shave part of or all of their heads for a hair transplant.

FUE procedures are also very popular hair restoration treatments and offer patients the chance to permanently restore hair to balding and thinning areas. While most FUE hair transplantation surgeries need at least shaving the recipient area.

Unshaven hair transplant surgery with the ease and minimal downtime involved is performed without any shaving of the donor area for ultimate discretion. The patient’s donor area doesn't have any scars and doesn't feel unbearable pain. This is why it is a good option to consider when looking at different hair restoration surgery methods.

The Two different methods for Unshaven Hair Transplantation

The "Pretrimmed Unshaven FUE" procedure, which is the extraction of pre-trimmed (pre-cut) follicular units and subsequent harvesting by Fue, and The "Direct Unshaven FUE" technique, which is the simultaneous shortening and extraction of follicular units are the two different methods for Unshaven hair transplantation. If a patient wants to be performed hair transplantation with an Unshaven procedure, it is essential to inquire about the exact details of the surgery to be sure that it is an operation that avoids shaving in all respects, or, as described above, it is only a hair restoration without shaving of the recipient area.

The best implant candidates

If the bald regions to be transplanted are quite small, such as for the transplantation of receding hairline or a high forehead, or if there is just the need to restore areas that have become thinner, then transplantation without a shortcut is also quite possible.

The advantages of the Unshaven Hair Transplantation

  • No need to shave part of or all of your head
  • Minimally invasive
  • Very little scarring
  • No hospital visit
  • Local anesthetic
  • Very little downtime
  • Very little post-procedure care

The strongest hair follicles are harvested and grafted. Small hair strands are cut off from the extracted hair for embedding the grafts successfully. If you’re getting a general FUE hair transplantation surgery and the hair transplantation physicians are novices, desirable results cannot be achieved. Estefulya’s physicians are very skilled and experienced in their field. They have completed countless successful surgeries with phenomenal results. We are sure that you will be happy to work with us!

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